Site Analysis
Learn the "ins and outs" of the land before you invest or build.
Soil Map Analysis
A map of what soil types exist on your site will help you choose the right locations for buildings, roads, camps, agriculture, waste and water management.
Water Analysis
The quality of the water on your site will affect the quality of life - crops, livestock, native plant communities, soil health, and more.
*Requires Site Visit
Vegetation Map
What plant communities are present on the site? Where are they located and what potential value do they provide?
*Requires Site Visit
Slope & Terrain Analysis
In landform analysis we’re looking at the shape of the land. This information will inform both a broad and focused understanding of the site’s ecological, and geographic contexts. Soil types, vegetation, water/hydrology, access and circulation, views, wildlife corridors, shade/sun exposure, and micro climates are all influenced by the topography of a site.
The terrain contours of a site will inform land-use planning decisions such as infrastructure development, agricultural production, conservation easements, water-harvesting earthworks, and irrigation.
Landscape Change
over time
How is the land changing over time? What species are evolving and adapting with the changing climate? Mapping and assessing these changes will help inform the plan for the future.
Site Features Processes & Implications
Land features are what people think of as identifying characteristics - soil, water, rock outcrops, buildings, trees. Processes are phenomena that occur across time - erosion, wind, sun, sunlight/shadow, animal movement, water table falling and rising.
Mapping resources to realize potential for people and places. Social capital, natural capital, produced capital, human capital, and financial capital are all assets to regenerative development.
*Requires Stakeholder Meeting
Capital Analysis